Csv Processor

An online tools for processing csv file, with built in text editor where user can type the logic for the mapping and filtering

Project Background

This is csv online tool that i created for one client who need flexible csv processor that user can type their logic in javascript code

I made this web application using Vue JS as single page application, i made this way because breaking User interface to several pages makes UX better, there is no big cluttered form which makes user feels overwhelmed

The application has javascript ide where user can type their code and then the application can act upon based that javascript code to process and filter the csv file

For making the processing faster, i use multithreading feature in browser. by this, several rows in the csv file can be processed in same time. The user also can choose how many thread they will use for processing.

The output of this will be csv file that user can download, the content of the csv file will be the result of the processing.

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