Career Summary

I began my software developer job in 2015, before that i learn about programming in autodidact way. I found out that programming is fun and rewarding especially if it can help people solving their problem

Work Experience

Lead Developer

Giftselfie, Pattaya, Thailand
2017 - 2019

I work as lead developer, managing small team of developer building web application, the application was complex using third party payment, sending mms, background job


In this company i learn on leading developer team and also communicate with business people to convert requirements to unit of work, i also manage the infrastructure in AWS

  • In this project i refactor the code using some design pattern because i realized how usefull it is
  • I know how to build scallable and highly available infrastructure in AWS

Technologies used:

  • Laravel
  • Node js
  • Vue js
  • Laravel horizon
  • AWS

Web developer

PT Tamasia Global Sharia, Jakarta, Indonesia
2016 - 2017

In this company, i build internal web application with laravel for managing data about consument, sales etc

Technologies used:

  • Laravel
  • php

Junior web developer

PT Javan Cipta Solusi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
2015 - 2016

This was my first work, my role was junior web developer, in the span of 1 year, i build many web applications, mostyl using laravel, but i got some exposure to node js, angular js, vue js, and many more


In this company i applied my technical knowledge to the real world and also i learned some best practices in developing application such as clean code, testing (unit testing, integration testing), etc.

Technologies used:

  • Laravel
  • Node js
  • CSS
  • Angular js
  • vue js

Skills & Tools


  • Vue js
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript


  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Node js
  • Javascript
  • Relational database design


  • Designing cloud infrastructure
  • Devops
  • Testing


  • Bachelor degree in computer science
    Stiki Malang
    2019 - 2023


  • Indonesian (Native)
  • English (Conversational)

Interested in hiring me for your project?

Looking for an experienced full-stack developer to build your web app or ship your software product? To start an initial chat, just drop me an email at or use the form on the contact page.